Three Girl Guides aged 7 and 8 hugging and smiling at the camera in front of a floral mural

Welcome to Embers!

Fun activities for 7 and 8 year olds

Embers is a place for fun activities for 7 and 8 year olds. She’ll have a blast with old and new friends using her imagination, exploring nature, gaining new skills and finding ways to “Lend a Hand” (The Motto) in her community.

Embers usually meet once per week for an hour.

Find a unit near you Register her today!

Five Girl Guides aged 7 to 8 blowing bubbles outdoors at a park

Embers can try new activities like:

  • Planting a garden and watching it grow
  • Nurturing healthy friendships and managing conflict
  • Meeting local women entrepreneurs or artists
  • Building with basic tools such as screwdrivers and hammers
  • Leading the group in their favourite game
  • Learning outdoor safety and camping fundamentals

Find out more about Embers:


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Girl Guides of Canada changed the name of this branch from Brownies to Embers in January 2023. Read more about this change.

A Girl Guide aged 7 to 8 smiling and posing with arms outsretched. She is outside at a park with friends playing behind her